Without going into all the graphic details this is what happened to me and let it be a lesson to everyone not to wait to go to the doctor when something is not right with your health.
On Tues I started to feel a little dizzy and weak but I just ignored it. Wed it was a little worse but again I thought it would pass. On Thurs (this is the yuky part of the story)I started to have bloody diriaha and couldn't walk from the living room to the bedroom without holding on to something, later that night I got so dizzy I almost fell on my way to bed. Friday was pretty much the same. Saturday I was even weaker but the diriahria had almost stopped. Sunday was D-day for me. I was so weak I could not walk with Tracy holding me. By evening I was having trouble breathing and that scared me enough to call for a ambulance.
At the hospital ER they did all the blood work and poked and jabbed at me and when the results came back the Doctor told Tracy I was in critical condition as I had lost 2/3 of my blood volume and would be admitted to the ICU for further tests to find the source of the bleed and to received a blood transfusion.
Over the next 3 days I was scoped from every opening in my body except my ears, had to drink some really nasty stuff to have x-rays done. I received 6 units of blood. I spent 4 days and nights in ICU then my last night I got to go to a regular room where I was finally allowed out of bed and more than 3 steps away from the bedside. By Friday morning I was well enough to come home.
On top of the GI Bleed (if that wasn't enough) my diabetes went way out of control so now I have to check my blood sugar 3 times a day and have insulin to take along with oral medication when it gets too high.
I'm still a little weak but getting stronger each day and finally feel like stitching again. I'm also being very good about changing my diet and lifestyle. I will start doing more exercise and get my body in better shape and hopefully put back on a little of the weight I lost.
Now you know the whole story I hope you learn from my ordeal and go to the doctor at the first sign something is wrong. If I had I would have spared Tracy a lot of worry.
Until Next Time .... Happy stitching