It's been way too long since last I updated my blog and I do promise I will try to do better.
Let's start with a wonderful Get Well
RAK I received from Wanda J, a member of my
ILCS group.

Wanda stitched this adorable frog card for me and included the cutest kit from China. If you click on the picture you can see it better and this is something you don't want to miss. It sure made me feel better and put a BIG smile on my face.
Stitching Finishes.....Before I went into the hospital I finished these two ornaments by
LHN. I love this series and will start another one real soon.

Merry Skater
Stitched on 32 count Linen with DMC
I changed the color of the fabric called for. This color looked icy to me, more like what a skater would be on. What looks like would be a companion to this is in the JCS Ornament issue so of course I will have to stitch him on the same fabric.

"Fa La La"
Stitched on 32 count fabric
with DMC and Crescent Colours
This is my second attempt at this one. I had started it on a fabric I wasn't happy with and while stitching found several errors that was going to require massive frogging. I decided to restart on different fabric and it went much smoother the second time. No Frogging this time.
Now if you don't want to read about my latest medical problem that put me in the hospital you can skip the rest of this entry.
Health Update.....
Well I didn't take my own advise and waited to long to see the doctor and again ended up in the hospital for 6 days this time but thankfully not in ICU. It all started several weeks before with my feet and legs swelling until they looked like elephant feet and legs. Being the idiot I am I just thought it was from the heat or a reaction to my meds so I just tried to elevate my feet in hopes they would go down. It was no use they just stayed swollen. Next came some shortness of breath. It became very difficult to take a deep breath. Again I thought it would just go away but no such luck. This started on Monday and by late Wed night, early Thurs morning I was really having problems and Tracy insisted we call 911. The medics arrived very quickly with an ambulance right behind. The first thing the medics said was it look and sounded like CHF (Congestive Heart Failure). I questioned how could it be my heart when I had no chest pain other than the pain trying to take a deep breath. Off to the hospital again in the ambulance. They did all kinds of tests in the ER and the doctor came it and said it looked like I would be staying with them for several days and agreed with the medics, it was CHF. They feel it was caused as a complication of the diabetes and so now I'm on several heart meds, a diuretic, and a long acting insulin that I have to inject every morning. I'm still having episodes of not being able to catch my breath but if just relax and breath thru it, it doesn't last long. My blood sugar has now stabilized and is in the lower end of the normal level. All in all I'm getting stronger every day and am determined to go to the doctor at the first time of trouble.
Tracy and I finally had a "Date Night" and I will Blog with LOTS of pictures as soon as I can get them download.
Until Next Time....Happy Stitching